Fast & Furious is a high-octane action franchise centered around illegal street racing, heists, and family loyalty. Starting with underground street races, the series evolved into globe-trotting missions with Dom Toretto and his crew, taking on enemies from criminal masterminds to cyber-terrorists. Known for its thrilling stunts and fast cars, it remains a global box office juggernaut.
Title | Year | Amazon Links |
The Fast and the Furious | 2001 | Amazon US |
2 Fast 2 Furious | 2003 | Amazon US |
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift | 2006 | Amazon US |
Fast & Furious | 2009 | Amazon US |
Fast Five | 2011 | Amazon US |
Fast & Furious 6 | 2013 | Amazon US |
Furious 7 | 2015 | Amazon US |
The Fate of the Furious | 2017 | Amazon US |
F9 | 2021 | Amazon US |
Fast X | 2023 | Amazon US |